domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2020

Wild animals and pets

I’ve always appreciated animal’s company as I grew up surrounded by them, if they weren’t there all the time, I wouldn’t be half as happy as I am now; so I think I can consider myself an animal lover. Actually, in my family they are mostly cats and dogs, but my godfather have a very unusual one; a land turtle named Clarita. I live with them for about a year so I got to know Clarita better, it was very shy and pretty and I would love to take care of her someday.

Animals are so fantastic that it’s out of my understanding how people can hurt them without even think about the repercussion of that actions. What’s more, there are so many things that we don’t need to take out of its place and apparently fashion industry still doesn’t get it; to get to kill an animal just for take its fur and make it into an “elegant coat” just shows an unnecessary and irresponsible act.

Sometimes I can’t tolerate how cruel people can be, and like to picture myself as a free bird. They look so majestic while flying that I wish all birds could always go wherever they want, and I would love to be part of that too.  


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