domingo, 18 de octubre de 2020

A country I would like to know: Italy

Besides being one of my favorites subjects, traveling to another country is one of the things I’m sure going to do in a future, simply because is an experience that I don’t want to miss, plus it’d help me to learn about other cultures and idioms.

If there’s a place that I would go immediately that has to be Italy, I’ve always wanted to see those beautiful photos in real life and make some sketch of its. On top of that, the architecture in the “Industrialized north” and “traditional south” would be definitely the best view.

Just by knowing that I could see the Colosseum myself it gives me so much excitement, not to mention the Iconic Tower of Pisa. Definitely wouldn’t go before having a tour by gondola in Venice and taste a delicious pizza

I’ll totally love if I have the opportunity to study in this country, and even more If I manage to work and live there for a couple years. However, I can’t say that if I go I would stay forever, there’s still plenty of bridges and streets that I’m waiting to meet.


1 comentario:

  1. Italy is also one of the countries that I would like to visit mainly for its gastronomy ;)
