sábado, 24 de octubre de 2020

The best holidays I've had: Ilo, Peru

It was January of this year when my family and I were looking for new places to visit in Peru, and since we live in Arica, we wanted somewhere near. Just like that, the city of Ilo came in the discussion and we went right away; it was my grandfather, grandmother, auntie, and me. We spend 3 relaxing days while seeing the amazing view of the ocean and walk by the streets, also there was this big artificial wetland that took all of my attention for its amazing amount of flamingos.

I remember not been feeling well before that week, so when the time came, it definitely changed my mood, the laughs at the night and the good histories while eating, quickly became part of my most treasured memories. Those days as well, we got to see the Museum of Chiribaya, one of the best stops in the trip; there was a lot to see and learn about chiribaya’s culture, going from agricultural tools to even mommies! although I have to say the greatest part was the boat ride we took at the afternoon, the beautiful sea lions sure stole the show.

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2020

A country I would like to know: Italy

Besides being one of my favorites subjects, traveling to another country is one of the things I’m sure going to do in a future, simply because is an experience that I don’t want to miss, plus it’d help me to learn about other cultures and idioms.

If there’s a place that I would go immediately that has to be Italy, I’ve always wanted to see those beautiful photos in real life and make some sketch of its. On top of that, the architecture in the “Industrialized north” and “traditional south” would be definitely the best view.

Just by knowing that I could see the Colosseum myself it gives me so much excitement, not to mention the Iconic Tower of Pisa. Definitely wouldn’t go before having a tour by gondola in Venice and taste a delicious pizza

I’ll totally love if I have the opportunity to study in this country, and even more If I manage to work and live there for a couple years. However, I can’t say that if I go I would stay forever, there’s still plenty of bridges and streets that I’m waiting to meet.